Die XML-Struktur welche die spezifischen Daten der Aufträge für die Verkaufsplattform eBay enthält muss als Kindelement in das Element specific_order_data in den Response-Daten von fetchOrders eingebettet sein. Sie besitzt folgende Struktur: |
<specific_order_data> <ebay_order_data> <order_eias>nY+sHZ2PrBmdj6wVnY-zOrRo-j6wFk4CoAJCHogqdj6x9nY+seQ==</order_eias> <ebay_order_number>110700077555-0</ebay_order_number> <pickup_method>InStorePickup</pickup_method> <pickup_status>ReadyToPickup</pickup_status> <ready_to_pickup_time>2012-07-01T00:00:00.000+02:00</ready_to_pickup_time> <pickup_cancelled_time>2012-07-01T00:00:00.000+02:00</pickup_cancelled_time> <payment_instruction> <!-- Zahlungshinweise bezüglich eBay Rechnungskauf. --></payment_instruction> <cancel_status>NotApplicable</cancel_status> </ebay_order_data> </specific_order_data> |
Name |
Beschreibung |
Anz. |
Typ |
Sonstiges |
ebay_order_data |
Wrapper-Element, das die spezifischen Auftragsdaten für die Verkaufsplattform eBay enthält. |
0..1 |
Element |
order_eias |
eBay-Benutzer-Kürzel |
0..1 |
string |
ebay_order_number |
eBay-Auftragsnummer |
0..1 |
string |
pickup_method |
Abholverfahren |
0..1 |
string |
pickup_status |
Abholstatus |
0..1 |
string |
ready_to_pickup_time |
Zeitpunkt ab wann die Abholung vollzogen werden kann |
0..1 |
dateTime |
pickup_cancelled_time |
Zeitpunkt wann die Abholung abgebrochen wurde |
0..1 |
dateTime |
payment_instruction |
Zahlungsinformation für den eBay Rechnungskauf / Payment Upon Invoice (PUI). Dieser Text muss für den Käufer sichtbar auf der Rechnung angedruckt werden. |
0..1 |
string |
cancel_status |
Marktplatzspezifischer Stornostatus. |
0..1 |
string |
Name |
Beschreibung |
InStorePickup |
Abholung im Ladengeschäft |
Name |
Beschreibung |
PendingMerchantConfirmation |
Ausstehende Kaufbestätigung |
ReadyToPickup |
Bereit zur Abholung |
Pickedup |
Abgeholt |
PickupCancelled |
Abholung abgebrochen |
PickupCancelledBuyerNoShow |
Abholung abgebrochen, da Käufer nicht erschienen |
PickupCancelledBuyerRejected |
Abholung abgebrochen, da von Käufer abgelehnt |
PickupCancelledOutOfStock |
Abholung abgebrochen, da ausverkauft |
Invalid |
Ungültig |
NotApplicable |
nicht anwendbar |
Aufgeführte Werte gelten für das Feld cancel_status. |
Wert |
Beschreibung |
CancelClosedForCommitment |
This value indicates that since the buyer committed to buying the item but did not pay for it, the cancellation succeeded and no refund is needed. |
CancelClosedNoRefund |
This value indicates that the order cancellation request has been closed, with no refund issued to the buyer. |
CancelClosedUnknownRefund |
This value indicates that the order cancellation request has been closed, and it is unknown whether or not a refund was issued to the buyer. |
CancelClosedWithRefund |
This value indicates that the order cancellation request has been closed, with a refund issued to the buyer. |
CancelComplete |
This value indicates that the cancellation of the eBay order has been completed. |
CancelFailed |
This value indicates that the cancellation of the eBay order has failed. |
CancelPending |
This value indicates that the cancellation of the eBay order has been initiated by the buyer and approved by the seller, but the cancellation request has yet to be completed. |
CancelRejected |
This value indicates that the cancellation of the eBay order initiated by the buyer has been rejected by the seller. |
CancelRequested |
This value indicates that the buyer has initiated the cancellation of the eBay order. It will be up to the seller to decide to approve or reject the cancellation request. |
CustomCode |
This value is reserved for internal or future use. |
Invalid |
This value indicates that the order cancellation request is invalid. |
NotApplicable |
This value indicates that the order cancellation request is not applicable. |
*Die Beschreibungen der Stornostatus stammen direkt von eBay.
Version |
Änderungsbeschreibung |
---|---| |
Redaktionelle Überarbeitung | |
Erweiterung der Response um payment_instruction. | |
Erweiterung der Response um pickup_method, pickup_status, ready_to_pickup_time und pickup_cancelled_time |
4.11.45 |
Erweiterung der Response um cancel_status. |