Die XML-Struktur welche die spezifischen Attributdaten für die Verkaufsplattform Allyouneed enthält ist als Kindelement in das Element specific_attribute_data in den Response-Daten von fetchAttributes eingebettet. Sie besitzt folgende Struktur: Das Plugin wurde mittlerweile deaktiviert, der Call ist somit deprecated / veraltet. |
<allyouneed_attribute_data> <subchannel_id>5100</subchannel_id> <identifier>Attribute_Identifier_Allyouneed.de</identifier> <active>true</active> </allyouneed_attribute_data> |
Name |
Beschreibung |
Anz. |
Typ |
Sonstiges |
allyouneed_attribute_data |
Wrapper-Element, das die Allyouneed-spezifischen Attributdaten zusammenfasst. |
0..N |
Element |
subchannel_id |
ID des Subchannels. |
1 |
integer |
Siehe Wertetabelle für Channel Allyouneed. |
identifier |
Allyouneed spezifische Bezeichnung des Attributes. |
0..1 |
string |
active |
Aktivschaltung des Attributes für Allyouneed. |
1 |
boolean |
Value Table - for Field sub_channel_id |
sub_channel_id |
sub_channel_identifier |
channel_identifier |
1001 |
Speed4Trade COMMERCE |
Onlineshops |
1100 |
modified Shop |
Onlineshops |
1400 |
Gambio |
Onlineshops |
1500 |
Shopgate |
Onlineshops |
1600 |
MagentoCommerce |
Onlineshops |
1700 |
Onlineshops |
1900 |
Shopware |
Onlineshops |
2100 |
eBay.de |
eBay |
2200 |
eBay.co.uk |
eBay |
2250 |
eBay.ie |
eBay |
2300 |
eBay.com |
eBay |
2310 |
eBay Motors |
eBay |
2350 |
eBay.ca |
eBay |
2400 |
eBay.fr |
eBay |
2500 |
eBay.it |
eBay |
2600 |
eBay.at |
eBay |
2650 |
eBay.ch |
eBay |
2700 |
eBay.es |
eBay |
2750 |
eBay.com.au |
eBay |
2800 |
eBay.nl |
eBay |
2850 |
eBay.be |
eBay |
2900 |
eBay.pl |
eBay |
3100 |
amazon.de |
Amazon |
3200 |
amazon.co.uk |
Amazon |
3300 |
amazon.fr |
Amazon |
3350 |
amazon.nl |
Amazon |
3400 |
amazon.com |
Amazon |
3500 |
amazon.it |
Amazon |
3550 |
amazon.ae |
Amazon |
3600 |
amazon.es |
Amazon |
3700 |
amazon.ca |
Amazon |
3750 |
amazon.com.au |
Amazon |
3800 |
amazon.com.mx |
Amazon |
3820 |
amazon.eg |
Amazon |
3830 |
amazon.sa |
Amazon |
3840 |
amazon.tr |
Amazon |
3850 |
amazon.se |
Amazon |
3860 |
amazon.pl |
Amazon |
4100 |
Telefonverkauf |
manual sales / telesales |
5100 |
Allyouneed.de (Deprecated) |
Allyouneed (Deprecated) |
6100 |
Yatego |
Yatego |
7100 |
Rakuten.de (Deprecated) |
Rakuten (Deprecated) |
9100 |
10100 |
otto.de |
10200 |
otto.at |
10300 |
otto.ch |
10400 |
otto.nl |
10500 |
otto.ru |
11100 |
Locafox.de (Deprecated) |
Locafox (Deprecated) |
12100 |
WEBSALE (Deprecated) |
WEBSALE (Deprecated) |
13100 |
Kaufland.de |
Kaufland.de |
14001-14999 |
individual channel name (see notes below) |
Multi-Channel-Plugin (MCP) |
15100 |
OTTO Market DE |
OTTO Market |
Note for value table and field : sub_channel_id: The sub channels for the Multi-Channel-Plugin (MCP) can be configured via the Speed4Trade CONNECT UI. This doesn't allow for a standardized definition across all customer systems. The required subchannel_ids can be retrieved by using the call fetchSubChannels which could be executed after the initial configuration of a new subchannel using a tool like SoapUI. Setup of this tool is described in the Partnerportal. |
Version |
Änderungsbeschreibung |
3.6.3 |
Erweiterung der Response um Allyouneed-spezifische Daten. |
4.8.2 |
Wertetabelle für Subchannels eingefügt. |
4.10.51 |
Als veraltet markiert. |